
Setup Payroll

Due to the size and complexity of the Payroll Setup section we'll deal with each section individually. Please notice the Quick Tip links - which appear at the top of each section as well as alongside some of the specific features. Be sure, in addition to using this manual to click these help icons and watch the associated tutors. They will, in most cases, provide you with an entry example to insure you understand how the section works.
ATTENTION: DRIVERS, OWNER/OPERATORS & EMPLOYEES MUST BE SETUP IN THE DRIVER RECORDS PAGE BEFORE YOU CAN SET THEM UP IN PAYROLL SETUP. Be sure you have everyone set up in the Driver section before you start on payroll setup. The drop down list used to SELECT DRIVER gets the employees to list from the Drivers Section.
PAYROLL SETUP will always open to a blank screen. To get started pick the driver you want to setup or edit from the Driver Name drop down box - .
The Truck# and Driver Code are filled in by the program (all GRAYED OUT FIELDS are Program Fields and not user editable) once the driver is setup, truck assigned and the record saved.
Once the driver is selected move to the PAY TYPE section.