The Log Master(tm) is designed to insure that you never receive another log violation from your company or on a DOT roadside stop. The program will check for House Of Service violations, assist you in planning and keeping your logs legal and check for TIME & DISTANCE violations using the ProMiles routing engine which is the same software used by log auditors in a majority of the states. The Log Master is also, at this time a STAND ALONE part of the program This means that it does not rely on or relate it's information to the Trips Sheet, Mileage or any other section of the program outside of the Driver Records which is uses to identify the current driver and to track log violations in the Driver Safety Records.
The manual is based on version 8 of the Log Master, which is scheduled for release in early 2015. The program looks slightly different than version 7 which was ported to the Truckers Helper Online from the original stand alone version of the program. The current version is very similar to the original version with a few minor differences to make it more efficient and better suited for an Online Program.
Off Line functionality is restored in this update and the new version incorporates the latest browser technology which we expect to be available for the foreseeable future. Of course the one thing we have learned is that the foreseeable future may be 20 years or may be 20 seconds. The only thing certain about change is that it will never stop changing so we have designed the current update to be more adaptable to future changes in browser technology. We have also built in adaptability for the coming EOBR (Electronic On Board Recording) mandate. And will soon be announcing our own EOBR functionality and device.