ROUTING![]() Routing uses the ProMiles truck routing engine. ProMiles is an industry leader in truck routing and is used by auditors in many states across the country. We recommend that you stick with the PRACTICAL ROUTE for all your exports and for your auto-export from the Dispatch section.
NOTE - copied from the MILES section - This is worth repeating!
The dispatch section is set up to prevent entry errors and scheduling errors. This means that if you use the automated system you will not miss exporting any miles, the program verifies that the start of the new trip is the end of the old trip and that the Miles & Dispatch locations agree. So if you use the BILLING/LOADS/DISPATCH sections to build your trips and to export your miles you will have valid records showing all miles run by the truck.
MANUAL ENTRY on the other hand puts the onus on YOU. You are responsible for insuring that the data is entered in the correct order and that the start/end are always correct. This is true whether you use the manual entry, enter the miles by hand, or manually export the miles from ProMiles. There are no checks when you export the miles manually so this method will allow you to export trips out of order and to skip trips.
In order to avoid this type of error when you need to export a route manually in order to force the program to make an out of route stop, when a driver goes by the house for example, always do these manual exports at the time you're entering the delivery dates. Wen you cancel the export, go immediately to routing and export the trip. Failure to do this will end up with you exporting a trip out of order and there is no easy way to fix that!