Rate Load

Rate methods are set up in the ROUTING options section. Click the OPTIONS link on the top of the page and the Options popup will appear -
You can then set up rates in the Rate Table. The fields are -
Rate Name
The name for this rate table
Rate Empty
The rate you will charge for empty miles. Empty miles includes miles from where the truck is not to where it will pick up).
Rate Loaded
The rate you will charge for loaded miles. Loaded are miles from the initial pickup to the final delivery.
Loading Fee
The loading/unloading fee you will charge. Combine the amounts if you are charging both.
Other Fees
Any other fees that will be added to this load.
Mile Type
The routing method to use. Generally Practical or Shortest are used.
Add New
Click this to clear the fields and start a new Rate Table.
Click this to save the currently displayed rate table.
Click this to delete the currently displayed rate table.
Cancel any changes without saving.
Set up the rate table and save it if this is a rate you will use again.
Click the Rate Load link at the top of the screen.
The Calculate Rate box will  then appear -
Select the RATE TABLE you want to use from the drop down. For our example we're using the Sample Rate shown above.
Click Calculate and the program will do the calculations and show the results -
This is not a load you would want to take as according to current cost/mile you would lose $1058.68 running this load.
TRIP COST @:  this number comes from your current Cost Per Mile. Cost Per Mile is calculated by taking ALL THE EXPENSES you have entered in the program and ALL THE MILES entered in the program and doing the math. That gives you an overall CPM. This is a critical number to keep accurate, and you keep it accurate by keeping it current. Be sure when you complete a trip and generate the miles for it that you have the expenses for it entered. As you get more data in the program this number will be more stable, but in the beginning with only a little data staying current is important if you want your Cost/Mile to be fairly accurate.