Quick Entry

This manual shows accounts and drop downs for the Fleet version of the program. We have noted exceptions where they apply to the One Truck Version. If you have the One Truck version all the accounts listed in the illustrations here may not be available in your program.
Quick Entry is a tool to simplify your data entry. We understand that most of our users are not accountants or bookkeepers so we have devised this tool to make most of the everyday types of entries for you. Select the category you need, for example Expense to enter an expense and a drop down list of options will appear -
Pick the type of expense and/or how you paid for it from the drop down and you'll get a popup box - for example we purchased a pair of gloves that we needed for fueling at a truck stop for Cash. So click CASH and a popup will appear -
Click on the Charge To Account and select the account (what this is for) from the drop down then fill in the appropriate blanks -
Gloves are general purpose and do not apply specifically to the truck, trailer or the trip you're on right now, so we leave all of those fields blank and the program will fill in N/A as needed.
Click Save and the program will create the appropriate entry in Income & Expenses for you.
This example is a relatively simple entry, but Quick Entry will save you trying to figure out what to do with it's simple Fill In The Blanks format. We have examples here in Quick Entry for all the listed transactions. Just check the index for the item you need to get an example of.