
Profit & Loss

The Profit & Loss, also known as the P&L report is a central report for any business. This is a report on your income & expenses and gives you an idea of the overall health of your business. Remember, the P&L works in conjunction with your Balance Sheet to give you the overall status of your business. There are costs which are not reflected on the P&L report. See the Articles/Balance Sheet vs Profit & Loss report for details on this.
The P&L can be run for a fleet (above) or for a single truck (below). In the report for the fleet all income & expenses are listed. In the report for a single truck only the revenue for the truck listed. The program also factors in the other costs in the form of a CPM number. This number represents all the expenses that are not assigned to a specific truck divided by all the miles run by all trucks. This number is found below at the bottom of the Expenses section.