Memorized Transactions

Memorized Transactions are ideal for ongoing fixed payments, or any regular fixed income or expense transactions. 
Active: Check this box to make a transaction active, uncheck it to turn that particular transaction off.
Name: The name you assigned to the transaction. Use a friendly easy to remember name so you can identify transactions easily.
Next Due Date: Each time you 'Do Transaction' the program will increment the Next Due Date based on the original setup interval.
Amount: This is the amount of the transaction. If the Amount changes after the original setup change the transaction manually the next time you 'Do Transaction' and then uncheck the old transaction and set the new one with the correct amount in it as the new Memorized Transaction.
Trans Num: This is the Transaction Number from the Income & Expense section that is used as the pattern for this Memorized Transaction.
Occurrence Frequency: This is how often the transaction will occur.
Loan: This tells the program whether the transaction is a loan or not. A special process is used for loans to calculate the interest and create the split for Principal & Interest.
Do Transaction: Click this to generate the next transaction.
Edit: Click this to Edit the current transaction. When amounts change it is best to set up a new Master transaction rather than editing the old master. This gives you a record of what the old 'master' was rather than editing it which will remove the record of what the old transaction was.
Delete: Click this to delete the transaction. As you can see from the above illustration. Inactive transactions from previous years are still there. It never hurts to have a record of what you did previously.