When you first open the program you will get the Home screen. The program will start with the SETUP TAB. As each section is completed the check mark will appear and when all the sections are completed the program will start opening on the PROGRAM FLOW. We'll start with a review of the SETUP SECTIONS and then move to the individual sections of the program.
![]() There is extensive ONLINE HELP built into the program in the form of audio video tutors for each page and function in the program. In addition to this Users Manual be sure to watch ALL THE TUTORS which are available in the program HELP section as well as the QUICK TIPS
![]() The One Truck uses the TRIP SHEET to enter your trips as you run them. You can enter, trip locations (from/to), mileage, trip expenses & advances here. The Log Master will allow you to keep your logs in the program or can be used after the fact to check your logs and insure they are valid. Settlements is used to enter your settlement data, reconcile the settlement and then export the income and deductions to the Income & Expense section.
![]() The fleet is designed for anyone running their own authority and needing to do billing. The Flow starts with BOOKING/BILLING and setting up the billing for the load. From there you enter where the load picks up and delivers, PICKUP/DELIVERY. The LOAD BOARD is uses to track loads and to assign loads that are pre-booked (booked in advance and no truck is assigned at the time of booking). CONTRACTOR/BROKERED LOADS is used for brokering loads. DISPATCH is designed to help the dispatcher in tracking loads and to give him all the information he needs on a load in one place to help him in communicating with drivers. INCOME & EXPENSES is the general accounting section for the program. MILES is where all the mileage records for IFTA reporting are kept.
While the one truck and fleet operations have a different flow, much of what they need to do is similar. So the same basic program is used for both types of program. Accounting for example is the same in both versions of the program with a separate list of accounts to sort out the difference in the point of view of a company driver and the company he works for. It is possible, if you start with one truck leased on to a company to upgrade your account when you are ready to get your own authority and continue using the same account when you go out on your own.
This program is a REAL TIME program which means that it is set up to have data entered in the same order that the information is occurring in the real world. The program will, therefore, work best as a live program that is used as the load is booked, dispatched, billed and payroll is paid. It can be used after the fact to catch up on old data, but it's primary design centers around live use.
This manual will deal primarily with the Fleet Version of the program. For the One Truck Version please use the Tutors which are provided with the program. They will walk you step by step through the entry process for each section of the program. A separate One Truck section for this manual will be added as soon as possible.