
Edit Confirmation or Schedule

There are two sections in the Confirmation and the Schedule that can be edited. If you want to edit either section click the associated link at the bottom left corner of the Contractor Load Assignment Information page.
For the confirmation (contract) click the Confirmation Link -
The portion of the confirmation that can be edited is displayed and instructions for editing are included under the text. To edit this section just add or delete the information you wish to change. Maintain the format means that you should not add blank lines, change the format of variables, such as & your phone# &, if you change the format the form will not print correctly. ALWAYS MAKE A COPY OF THE TEXT before you do edits. Then if you have an error you can restore the default text and try again.
To edit the Schedule click the Schedule link.
As above the editable part of the form is in the box. Make any necessary edits and then click SAVE to save the edits.
BE SURE TO PRINT THE FORM NOW and insure that your changes worked the way you expect them to. If not you can always restore from your copy of the original and try again.