Driver Reimburse

Driver Reimburse is a CHARGE ACCOUNT that you use to enter expenses which employees or leased owner/operators have paid for out of their own pocket and which you need to reimburse them for. The program will automatically keep track of these for you and will mark them as settled when you reimburse them.
Click QUICK ENTRY/EXPENSE/DRIVER REIMBURSE to access the popup for this category -
Transaction Type: Set by program and cannot be edited.
Payment Account: Set by program and cannot be edited. 
Charge To Account: Select the proper Charge To Account to charge this expense to from the drop down list.
Truck Number: Optional, use if the expense related to the truck.
Trailer Number: Optional, use if the expense related to the trailer
Amount: Enter the amount of the expense.
Date: Enter the date the expense was incurred.
Pro Number: Enter the associated Pro Number - this is REQUIRED for a Driver Reimburse.
Memo: Leave blank the program will use this for the popup that will appear when you click SAVE.
Driver: Select the correct employee, driver or owner/operator from the drop down.
The entry form above will create the following transaction -
This is similar to other Driver entries. The driver is required, top right corner, and the Program Info will tell the program if it's outstanding or closed. When payroll settles it the entry will be marked SETTLED - MM/DD/YYYY. This also gives you a link back to the payroll that settled the transaction.