This page contains the information that will be used for your HEADER in reports and emails. If you are an individual you will use your Social Security Number to identify the account. If you are a company use your EIN and check the box to Format as EIN. This field is set during the initial program set up and cannot be edited. If you have an error in the number entered use the REPORT BUG - CONTACT US link at the bottom of the page. Include the new number you need to use and we will change this number for you. This can only be done once as a free service, if you need to change it again there will be a charge for changing it so be sure you get the number right. We offer this free update as a lot of fleet owners put their SSN instead of their EIN in when doing the original setup.
This screen is self explanatory. Enter your current password in the first box, enter the new password in box 2 and 3, click CHANGE PASSWORD and the program will tell you if the password was reset successfully. Click the Quick Tip icon for an example of how to change your password.